
Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself

Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself

Monday, 19 May 2014

Why do all good things come to an end?

Once again, this morning I was greeted by the sun that so gently woke me from my sleep and said "hello" to another hot, bright and beautiful day. Don't you just love it?! I swear London (and Londoners) completely transform when the thermometer teeters over 16 degrees and we officially enter into a "heat wave" which although does not always warrant a bikini and hot pants, tends to bring out the best in everyone. Today for example, apart from receiving many more smiles and hellos from strangers than usual, I actually witnessed one women on the tube compliment another and exchange a chat and giggle. I know, I know, I too was shocked! We can only hope that we have a few more than 3 consecutive days of this to encourage more of this un-London-like behaviour, as if the result of some rays has such positive effects, I sure hope the sunshine is here to stay!

I must say that I'm slightly in denial that the weekend is now over as it has been the perfect combination of relaxation and frolics, which started off with some cocktails in the sun with an old friend on Friday eve among a see of City revellers and ended with dinner semi-alfresco in Angel to celebrate my sister's graduation from her dance teacher training course. Congratulations to her - I am a very proud sister indeed!

It it with great sadness that I now face the unwanted truth that Monday looms so I take with me this warm and fuzzy feeling and my new summer glow and pray that we are blessed with many (many) more sunshiny days just like this!

Have a great week! :)

Tahlia xx