
Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself

Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself

Monday, 24 March 2014

#nomakeupselfie - Unleash the beauty within!

"I am humbled to admit that the only difference I see on Earth between being strong or weak is the honesty with which we face ourselves, accept ourselves, and share ourselves, blemishes and all.
- Mark Nepo

Spring is officially here and although I'm seriously disappointed that I'm still having to wear my winter coat, I just can't help but feel the magic of this beautiful season. For me, what I love most about spring (other than the anticipation of warmth!) is the blossoming of daffodils - as long after their petals have wilted and their stems have shriveled, their roots find the strength to break ground, rise up and reach for the sky and in doing so unleash their inner beauty - fragrant petals of vibrant yellow that dance in the sunshine.

Like daffodils in full bloom, this week has been all about unveiling natural beauty, as since Wednesday Facebook has gone absolutely mad with #nomakeupselfies and my news feed has been flooded with posts of bare faced beauties exposing themselves to the world, flaws and all in an effort to increase cancer awareness and raise funds for Cancer Research UK.

To be completely honest, at first I really didn't get the connection between cancer and the nomakeupselfie but then it clicked! Sadly 1 in 3 of us will be affected by this terrible illness and with the coming of any struggle we have two choices: to shrink with fear by letting our vulnerability and weakness consume us; or like the daffodil, find the strength to fight against nature to keep the roots of our soul alive and blossom to unveil the beauty within.

What really makes us beautiful is being strong enough to "face ourselves, accept ourselves and share ourselves, blemishes and all" and irrespective of the struggle continue to be happy being exactly who we are.

So in the spirit of #nomakeupselfie and cancer awareness, of course I had to get involved and bare myself to the world, like the thousands of others who did the same this week and paid tribute to all the strong women who have had the courage to dance in the face of cancer and declare "you will not defeat me!" and throughout the battle, have found a way to smile.

Your strength and beauty will always be an inspiration!


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